Sunday, August 10, 2008


It's Out?!

Lincoln lost his first tooth in the middle of the honey buisness. Nana pulled the tooth out. Only he already has a tooth in. The new tooth already grew in behind the baby tooth. He didn't realize it was out until he saw it. He was soooo suprised. The first pic is Linc showing us how loose his tooth is.


Tamara Thompson said...

Oh awesome! Stefani still tells stories about how Dee pulled out almost all of her baby teeth! LOL I think her enthusiasm confuses (or freaks out) people! I certainly attribute her "odd" love for going to the dentist to Dee!

J&B said...

For sure. My Mom has a funny way of making you enjoy it! hehe I glad she's around though b/c I don't like actually pulling them out. I would just wait until they fell out on their own.